Although iPhone users can initiate face-to-face calls via their FaceTime feature, Android users must receive an invitation from the iPhone user via text, email, invite or a WhatsApp message. So, can a Android users video call iPhones via FaceTime? That’s a “no” for now. Developed as an alternative to Zoom and Microsoft Teams, Apple released a new feature within the iOS 15 system update that allows Android users to join in FaceTime calls. However, Android users will now be able to join in FaceTime calls with their iPhone-owning friends. No, FaceTime won’t be directly available for Android devices. Video Chat Apps for Android and iPhone FaceTime for Android

If you want to learn how to make video calls between Android and iPhone devices, here are some of the best apps you and your chat partner can use to get that important face-to-face time. These apps will allow video chats between iPhone and Android devices. Today, there are plenty of third-party apps that work on both Android and iPhones that can be downloaded by each party. Many smartphone users may think that having different device types will keep them from being able to chat. It’s not quite as straightforward when one party has an iPhone and the other has an Android device. Video chats have become everyday ways to stay in touch, whether it is between long-distance friends or between co-workers.